Prosthetic-driven implant placement could minimize the risk of long term implant biological and technical complications. However, this relies heavily on the surgeons’ understanding of implant prosthetic reconstruction and the alveolar bone availability of the patients. Computer-guided surgery has become more and more popular. The technique allows precise pre-operative site assessment, 3-dimensional planning of implant position and relatively easy execution of the prosthetically driven surgicalplan, while it may come with an increase need of simultaneous bone augmentation. This workshop aims at providing a basic understanding of the computer-guided surgery with the use of coDiagnostiX™ as well as minor bone augmentation with guided bone regeneration technique.
Learning objectives
Basic understanding of static computer guided surgery;
Basic understanding of guided bone regeneration:
Hands-on experience of coDiagnostiX™, implant placement and guided bone regeneration.
Speaker Biography
Dr. Dominic Ho had obtained his basic dental qualification in the Faculty of Dentistry in 2005 and had completed his specialist training in Periodontology in 2012. He has been awarded with fellowships in the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He has been working for the Faculty of Dentistry HKU since 2009 and is currently working as a Clinical Assistant Professor in Periodontology. Meanwhile, he is also running a private practice in Periodontology and Implantology.
Event Details
Modern Dental Lab 17/F,
CEO Tower, 77 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan
Dr. Dominic HO King-lun
BDS (HK), MDS (Perio) (HK), AdvDipPeriodont (HK), MRD RCSEd (Perio), FCDSHK (Periodontology), FHKAM (Dental Surgery), FDS RCSEd, FDS RCPS (Glasgow)
This event is a member exclusive activity on a first come, first served basis. For registration, please mail completed registration form with cheque payable to “The University of Hong Kong Dental Alumni Association”. Refreshments will be provided. Details of registration is on the registration form at page 3.